What Is The Miracle Rule Of Punk Psychology?

The critical technique we use in Punk Psychology™, which makes us very special, is charge stripping, by which is meant cleaning away the upset or confusion in later experiences, in order to get at the earlier, darker memories, where the real trouble lies.

Everyone has a know-it-all set of beliefs about why they behave as they do. But if the behavior is negative or inconsistent and yet persists, the person’s belief is WRONG! How can we be so dogmatic? Because we find from the rules of piloting—namely the “miracle rule”—that when the truth is found, the problem, emotion or behavior vanishes. The client is restored to full freedom of thoughts and emotion on that particular topic.

Freud blundered into this axiomatic principle of charge stripping, which he called unburdening: “What left the symptom behind was not always a single experience. On the contrary, the result was usually brought about by the convergence of several traumas, and often by the repetition of a great number of similar ones. Thus it was necessary to reproduce the whole chain of pathogenic memories in chronological order, or rather in reversed order, the latest ones first and the earliest ones last; and it was quite impossible to jump over the later traumas in order to get back more quickly to the first, which was often the most potent one.”

Proof The Brain Is Not The Seat Of Consciousness

The brain is only real in 3-dimensions. We can all agree about that.

But now scientists are trying to claim our knowing and awareness exists in 11 dimensions.

Isn’t that just another way of saying that mind and Being is non-material and NOT brain-based?

The so-called Blue Brain Project claims to have discovered a multi-dimensional universe in brain networks. This is being billed as “ground-breaking work that is beginning to reveal the brain’s deepest architectural secrets.”

The research, published 12 th June 2017 in Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, claims (they say “shows”) that these structures arise when a group of neurons forms a clique: each neuron connects to every other neuron in the group in a very specific way that generates a precise geometric object.

The more neurons there are in a clique, the higher the dimension of the geometric object.

“We found a world that we had never imagined,” says neuroscientist Henry Markram, director of Blue Brain Project and professor at the EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland, “there are tens of millions of these objects even in a small speck of the brain, up through seven dimensions. In some networks, we even found structures with up to eleven dimensions.”

Markram suggests this may explain why it has been so hard to understand the brain. “The mathematics usually applied to study networks cannot detect the high-dimensional structures and spaces that we now see clearly.”

If a 3 or 4 dimensional world stretches our imagination, worlds with 5, 6 or more dimensions are too complex for most of us to comprehend. This is where algebraic topology comes in: a branch of mathematics that can describe systems with any number of dimensions.

In 2015, Blue Brain published the first digital copy of a piece of the neocortex – the most evolved part of the brain and the seat of our sensations, actions, and consciousness. In this latest research, using algebraic topology, multiple tests were performed on the virtual brain tissue to show that the multi-dimensional brain structures discovered could never be produced by chance.

Experiments were then performed on real brain tissue in the Blue Brain’s wet lab in Lausanne confirming that the earlier discoveries in the virtual tissue are biologically relevant and also suggesting that the brain constantly rewires during development to build a network with as many high-dimensional structures as possible.

It all sounds very plausible, except for one thing: why does the brain suddenly erect 11-dimensional structures? In response to what?

Neuroscience has long struggled to find where the brain stores its memories (because it doesn’t). “They may be ‘hiding’; in high-dimensional cavities,”Henry Markram speculates.

So, in non-material dimensions then, Markram!

Note that extra mathematical dimensions are pure abstractions; they do not actually exist, except to make formulas balance up when the formula is otherwise WRONG!

Introducing Structured Conversations

I’m now working on a more advanced course for Punk Psychology™ (paid) in which there will be one-on-one coaching.

It gives us the opportunity to teach you some extra really cool techniques. Like, for example, our “structured conversations”.

Here’s how it goes:

There are many potential thoughts, beliefs and attitudes round an area of engagement with others. Like for example confusion, being mocked or ridiculed, a falsehood, a misunderstanding or the feeling of betrayal. We have whole lists of questions that can be asked about these types of annoyances, which pull off negative emotional charge, just by being asked repeatedly and made to dig up deeper and deeper answers.

Hence a “structured” conversation.

The first answers and surface stuff isn’t important. Everyone thinks they know what the trouble is, why they are upset. But they don’t. In fact it’s one of the “iron rules” of Supernoetics®, that what people think is the cause of an upset is NEVER the cause of the upset. How can we make such sweeping statements? Because I have found over the years that when the person finds the REAL reason they feel upset about something, the upset vanishes like mist in the warmth of sunlight and blue skies of smiles appear.

So when you ask the question repetitively, it shifts. For example betrayal might start with the client being angry with mother, because she abandoned her when small and ran off with another man. That might take several answers to let off steam! We keep asking (same question: “Was there a betrayal?”) and the client says, “Yes well, Uncle Jack—who wasn’t a real uncle and would only come round when father was at work—he betrayed me too. Plied me with sweets and then tricked my mother into leaving…”

Then she begins to realize that mother simply preferred Uncle Jack. But poor father, whom she adored, maybe he betrayed her in a way. He drank too much and that upset mother. It was partly his fault mother left. Wow! That’s new!

And then suddenly it shifts majorly into, “Father betrayed me. He should have stepped in and solved the crisis. If he had behaved properly and showed Mum he cared, she wouldn’t have needed to run away with some other guy. Jack was trouble any way and I’m sure Mum didn’t really like him. Why didn’t my Dad step in and protect me?” And so on and on… the pattern shifting as charge comes off and she starts to see the real problem in a completely new light.

Interestingly, she doesn’t switch to hating father, instead of mother. She realizes how much she loves both and wishes they were all back together again. She might even start writing letters! It happens.

We can teach you these awesome skills.

How The Project Is Strung Together

Well folks, we’re making history and I don’t think anyone promised we’d get everything right first go. That’s wannabe and also-ran copycat stuff. We are pioneers and doing it first time, right off the cuff. We are learning too!

Here’s what is supposed to happen:

  1. You get on board and land on the introductory page, where you can download the “starter pack” (The Preface and Chapters 1 and 2) You should have been there already, if you joined.
  2. The remaining chapters are dripped to you weekly, two at a time (3-4, 5-6, 7-8 and so on…)
  3. There is a weekly webinar, teaching you more and including actual demonstrations, live on air. These are being hosted on the Teaching pages, starting with Teaching 1 (Hey!)
  4. You will be asked to actually DO and practice the techniques, getting better, with increasing degrees of skill and familiarity. Nothing too difficult though!

You can also keep up with cool testimonials from people who have already experienced the amazing changes of Punk Psychology and other of Dr. Keith’s self-growth writings: here

A New You

We are all the product of our past. There’s no getting away from that.

We’ve found a way to quickly and permanently re-engineer that past, so that it’s different. Your whole experience of life up to this point is transformed! Punk Psychology™  does this rather easily and permanently.

The result is inevitable: a new YOU!

If you feel differently about the past, you’ll feel different about everything, including your future. You know that makes sense. In fact it’s a Punk Psychology™ saying, we all live twice: the life you have had up till now and then the life from this point on. They do not have to be the same!

Watch The First Punk Psychology™ Webinar

Unfortunately, the first workshop of Punk Psychology™ webinar got cut short due to a wild storm that took out our internet access for most of the day. Don’t worry… there’s plenty to get excited about, even though it was clipped.

Thanks for your understanding,

Prof. Keith

P.S. Click here to discover REAL tips and tricks to enhance your mind power and abilities in my brand new Punk Psychology Manual. Plus, you’ll receive a FREE membership to the Punk Psychology Tribe!

Wild Storm in Las Vegas, Can’t Get Online!

First the good news, then the bad news!
Good news: the world’s a beautiful place and you are lucky to be here, waking in Being every morning! It’s awesome!

The bad news: after a wild storm in Las Vegas, I can’t get online except in coffee bars and there is no news of when it will be fixed.

So the Saturday call for the first workshop of Punk Psychology™ is postponed. I hope to be able to re-schedule for Sunday morning. We’ll see, when I get back online.

Thanks for your understanding,

Prof. Keith
P.S.  I’m available for cell and texting.
I’ll keep you posted on what Cox is doing,

Welcome to the world of Punk Psychology™.

Maybe it’s the name “punk”; maybe it’s early Alzheimer’s! But I got into a confusion with my IT manager over what goes where and who gets what.

Here’s a clarification.

Join The Punk Psychology™ Welcome (free beginners)

It has always been my intention that there is a completely FREE pathway into learning Punk Psychology™, at least at the beginner’s level. That includes a free download of the manual, section by section (links will be sent out each week).

I wish to re-affirm that decision. Those of you who want to follow that path, it starts by enrolling on the site, via the free membership link, which is this one:


The weekly webinars will be accumulated and posted for you to review, as often as you like.

As I made clear last night on the webinar, there will be a “fast track” for anyone in a hurry. You can buy the manual, complete, for $39.95 via this link and get started on an amazing journey (some reading required though).

Later there will be a coached membership, for those who want to take a professional approach to Hypnoetics™ piloting (which is what I christened “Punk Psychology™”). There will be personal coaching from me and lots of teaching videos in the member’s area.

The “fast track” will be announced in due course. It’s not mandatory. Joining that you will become a Punk Tribe member. Meantime, just join Punk Psychology™ Welcome

All the techniques will be shared for free, if you are not in any hurry!

It’s totally free to join. Just follow the link (this one):


See you inside!


PS It’s not Alzheimer’s, it’s techno-overload.

Pre Natal Memory Is Cool Punk

Call it fetal memories. Pre-Birth. In-utero recall. Plenty of individuals can remember being inside the womb. Some individuals can even remember the “conception dream”: the very instant of conception, Mom and Dad on the bed, lots of grunting and sweat (well, it could only have been a dream. We weren’t there yet! So says science).

So says corny “it can’t be true, therefore it isn’t true,” pseudo-science that we are blasted with today.

But I know different.

I have walked with hundreds of individuals in the time before time, the mind-space before we were supposed to be alive. Or at least alive as a brain.

It can be straightforward past life recall. But lots of individuals remember being in the womb: it’s warm, wonderful and is NOT dark (anyone who recalls uterine darkness is not really recalling, just making it up from what they believe it should be like).

Smattering Of Science

Prenatal memory is not a new idea. I found two articles in Psychoanalytic Review (Volume 28, 1941): respectable enough.

One was by Isidor Izaak Sadger (1867-1942, often appearing
in journals as J Sadger), who wrote that several of his patients were not cured of their psychological problems until he had taken them back to their existence as sperm or ovum. He declared that, “there exists certainly a memory, although an unconscious one, of embryonic days, which persists throughout life and may continuously determine an action.

Sadger spends much time explaining how his patients’ memories of the time when they were zygotes or even sperm or ovum had affected their adult behaviors, noting that “an unconscious lasting memory must have remained from these embryonic days.” There were “unmistakable dreams” of being a sperm in the father’s testicle.

Life in the womb was not very kind, according to one of Sadger’s patients; “Perhaps when father performed coitus with mother in her pregnancy I was much shaken and rocked. Shall that have been one reason that I so easily became dizzy and that all my life I have had an aversion even as a child from swings and carousels?”

Sadger even suggests that many accidents happening to pregnant woman were not “accidental” but a subconscious attempt to get rid of the fetus, not to mention attempted abortions, “those cases where the mother seeks to free herself more or less forcibly from the unwanted child.

[Dr. J. Sadger, “Preliminary Study of the Psychic Life of the Fetus and the Primary Germ.” Psychoanalytic Review July 1941 28:3]

The second article under discussion from Psychoanalytic Review deals with the unbearable conditions during birth and the affects of these in later life. Grace W. Pailthorpe, M.D., argued in this 1941 article that patients should be psychoanalyzed more deeply into the period of infancy, or at least to the ‘trauma of birth’. Otherwise no lasting therapeutic effect could be expected. Birth has traumatized all of us, she declares, and these unconscious memories drive us in our adulthood. “It is only when deep analysis has finally exposed the unconscious deviations of our vital force” that we can recover and enjoy life.

She cites a man who was hopelessly traumatized by the events at his birth. He was cruelly kicked out of his “home” in the womb, and his resistance to this was assumed to be the cause of the immediate traumas of the nurse’s and mother’s attentions (which were “painful to the child’s sensitive body”). These traumas caused headaches and social disorders in adult life. Psychoanalysis discovered the causes (birth trauma) and when these were brought to the conscious level with their meaning explained, the headaches and social dysfunctions were alleviated.

[Grace W. Pailthorpe, MD., “Deflection of Energy, As a Result of Birth Trauma, and its Bearing Upon Character Formation”, Psychoanalytic Review, vol. 27, pp.305-326]

In The Wider World

Pre-birth memories are easy to find and handle. We can get to the birth memory. Sometimes there is a great deal of gasping and grunting; but the client never seems too threatened by the unpleasant sensations of being squeezed down a hosepipe or out of a toothpaste tube!

One of the very earliest little projects you can do as a psychonaut, exploring the world within, is to send someone back to the womb and ask the what it feels like; what sensations can he or she recall?

Remember everything you have read about sensate awareness.

When done, use a pleasure moment, to drag him or her back up the timeline and thus into the present.

The fact is that our spirit being not only knows it’s engaged in the process of gestation and birth. There is a remarkable body of evidence suggesting we often choose our parents deliberately, and for a reason.

Science is fighting it furiously.

“Some adults even claim to have memories from pre-birth, though there is no evidence for this at all,” said one such article. They always say “claimed” when it’s something they don’t like to admit.

They are also very shaky on proofs. In the same piece, Karl Sabbagh, author of “Remembering Our Childhood: How Memory Betrays Us,” claims to have explored the scientific evidence for the veracity of early childhood memories and concluded that “narrative memories from early on—little stories about who did what to whom—are unlikely to be pure unmediated memory.”

Notice that word “unlikely” in there. It means we don’t want to believe it, so we reject it. But we have no proof it’s wrong, so we resort to saying unlikely. This turns it into a pure opinion, without basis.

The article then engineers another clever pseudo-science trick of turning that into a generalization: all memories, all cases, even the ones we have never investigated: “That is, if a person claims to remember specific events from very early in life (even pre-birth), the story is almost certainly a creation of imagination and fantasy, not an actual memory.” [Fetal Memories? Not So Fast, by Benjamin Radford, Live Science Contributor: July 21, 2009 11:10am ET].

Why ever these people would want to fight so intensely against a concept that is so engaging, lovely and spiritual is always beyond me. It’s like they want to be planks of wood, with no real heart! Sigh…

Become a Psychonaut Sailing The Human Mind

On this ONE website, you’ll find more answers to the workings of the human mind than you ever imagined. Not only that but it’s effectively a map: you will be able to travel the human mind with it.

A psychonaut!

You will even learn basic skills in fixing and repairing the mind, keeping it fine tuned, developed for best performance, and eradicating issues that lead to unwanted emotions and dysfunctional behaviors.

You can do this! It doesn’t take psychologists, counselors, licensed therapists or any other money-grabbing “helpers” with addled ideas. It just takes people of a good heart, a quick wit, and average intelligence, coupled with the amazing Punk Psychology™ techniques explained in this book.

Can you imagine the effect on our world if people just STOPPED being crazy, destructive, vicious, and hysterical? It would be like a dream… no more wars, no more murders, in fact no crime at all! That would mean no more armed police and no more armies needed to fight and kill supposed enemies!

Politicians would become sane and honest; they would govern for the people, not their own gain; government would eventually become what it is supposed to be: a system of effective management that is there to serve the individuals in society and allow them to lead the kind of life they choose! As a result of that, taxes would be something we were all more willing to pay over, since we could see the money being used how we wanted!

Divorce rates would plummet; delinquency would become a thing of the past; popular music could celebrate all the good things in life, instead of whining and moaning about loss and betrayal; mental hospitals would empty out (and a good lot of patients in regular hospitals could go home too, because stress is behind most sickness); animal welfare wouldn’t be needed; drugs such as antidepressants and tranquillizers could be consigned to the history books; poverty and misery would fade from the world, as people woke up to the fact that we are all here on the same terms and just grabbing what we want, at the expense of others, would eventually bring the whole world grinding to a halt.

It all starts with the human mind. So the solutions must also start with the human mind. Can we understand ourselves fully and correct what’s not working properly? I passionately believe so and have plenty of cases and experience to back up what I say.

There are answers. Real answers. Punk Psychology™ (PP) can do this!