Pre Natal Memory Is Cool Punk

Call it fetal memories. Pre-Birth. In-utero recall. Plenty of individuals can remember being inside the womb. Some individuals can even remember the “conception dream”: the very instant of conception, Mom and Dad on the bed, lots of grunting and sweat (well, it could only have been a dream. We weren’t there yet! So says science).

So says corny “it can’t be true, therefore it isn’t true,” pseudo-science that we are blasted with today.

But I know different.

I have walked with hundreds of individuals in the time before time, the mind-space before we were supposed to be alive. Or at least alive as a brain.

It can be straightforward past life recall. But lots of individuals remember being in the womb: it’s warm, wonderful and is NOT dark (anyone who recalls uterine darkness is not really recalling, just making it up from what they believe it should be like).

Smattering Of Science

Prenatal memory is not a new idea. I found two articles in Psychoanalytic Review (Volume 28, 1941): respectable enough.

One was by Isidor Izaak Sadger (1867-1942, often appearing
in journals as J Sadger), who wrote that several of his patients were not cured of their psychological problems until he had taken them back to their existence as sperm or ovum. He declared that, “there exists certainly a memory, although an unconscious one, of embryonic days, which persists throughout life and may continuously determine an action.

Sadger spends much time explaining how his patients’ memories of the time when they were zygotes or even sperm or ovum had affected their adult behaviors, noting that “an unconscious lasting memory must have remained from these embryonic days.” There were “unmistakable dreams” of being a sperm in the father’s testicle.

Life in the womb was not very kind, according to one of Sadger’s patients; “Perhaps when father performed coitus with mother in her pregnancy I was much shaken and rocked. Shall that have been one reason that I so easily became dizzy and that all my life I have had an aversion even as a child from swings and carousels?”

Sadger even suggests that many accidents happening to pregnant woman were not “accidental” but a subconscious attempt to get rid of the fetus, not to mention attempted abortions, “those cases where the mother seeks to free herself more or less forcibly from the unwanted child.

[Dr. J. Sadger, “Preliminary Study of the Psychic Life of the Fetus and the Primary Germ.” Psychoanalytic Review July 1941 28:3]

The second article under discussion from Psychoanalytic Review deals with the unbearable conditions during birth and the affects of these in later life. Grace W. Pailthorpe, M.D., argued in this 1941 article that patients should be psychoanalyzed more deeply into the period of infancy, or at least to the ‘trauma of birth’. Otherwise no lasting therapeutic effect could be expected. Birth has traumatized all of us, she declares, and these unconscious memories drive us in our adulthood. “It is only when deep analysis has finally exposed the unconscious deviations of our vital force” that we can recover and enjoy life.

She cites a man who was hopelessly traumatized by the events at his birth. He was cruelly kicked out of his “home” in the womb, and his resistance to this was assumed to be the cause of the immediate traumas of the nurse’s and mother’s attentions (which were “painful to the child’s sensitive body”). These traumas caused headaches and social disorders in adult life. Psychoanalysis discovered the causes (birth trauma) and when these were brought to the conscious level with their meaning explained, the headaches and social dysfunctions were alleviated.

[Grace W. Pailthorpe, MD., “Deflection of Energy, As a Result of Birth Trauma, and its Bearing Upon Character Formation”, Psychoanalytic Review, vol. 27, pp.305-326]

In The Wider World

Pre-birth memories are easy to find and handle. We can get to the birth memory. Sometimes there is a great deal of gasping and grunting; but the client never seems too threatened by the unpleasant sensations of being squeezed down a hosepipe or out of a toothpaste tube!

One of the very earliest little projects you can do as a psychonaut, exploring the world within, is to send someone back to the womb and ask the what it feels like; what sensations can he or she recall?

Remember everything you have read about sensate awareness.

When done, use a pleasure moment, to drag him or her back up the timeline and thus into the present.

The fact is that our spirit being not only knows it’s engaged in the process of gestation and birth. There is a remarkable body of evidence suggesting we often choose our parents deliberately, and for a reason.

Science is fighting it furiously.

“Some adults even claim to have memories from pre-birth, though there is no evidence for this at all,” said one such article. They always say “claimed” when it’s something they don’t like to admit.

They are also very shaky on proofs. In the same piece, Karl Sabbagh, author of “Remembering Our Childhood: How Memory Betrays Us,” claims to have explored the scientific evidence for the veracity of early childhood memories and concluded that “narrative memories from early on—little stories about who did what to whom—are unlikely to be pure unmediated memory.”

Notice that word “unlikely” in there. It means we don’t want to believe it, so we reject it. But we have no proof it’s wrong, so we resort to saying unlikely. This turns it into a pure opinion, without basis.

The article then engineers another clever pseudo-science trick of turning that into a generalization: all memories, all cases, even the ones we have never investigated: “That is, if a person claims to remember specific events from very early in life (even pre-birth), the story is almost certainly a creation of imagination and fantasy, not an actual memory.” [Fetal Memories? Not So Fast, by Benjamin Radford, Live Science Contributor: July 21, 2009 11:10am ET].

Why ever these people would want to fight so intensely against a concept that is so engaging, lovely and spiritual is always beyond me. It’s like they want to be planks of wood, with no real heart! Sigh…