I’m now working on a more advanced course for Punk Psychology™ (paid) in which there will be one-on-one coaching.
It gives us the opportunity to teach you some extra really cool techniques. Like, for example, our “structured conversations”.
Here’s how it goes:
There are many potential thoughts, beliefs and attitudes round an area of engagement with others. Like for example confusion, being mocked or ridiculed, a falsehood, a misunderstanding or the feeling of betrayal. We have whole lists of questions that can be asked about these types of annoyances, which pull off negative emotional charge, just by being asked repeatedly and made to dig up deeper and deeper answers.
Hence a “structured” conversation.
The first answers and surface stuff isn’t important. Everyone thinks they know what the trouble is, why they are upset. But they don’t. In fact it’s one of the “iron rules” of Supernoetics®, that what people think is the cause of an upset is NEVER the cause of the upset. How can we make such sweeping statements? Because I have found over the years that when the person finds the REAL reason they feel upset about something, the upset vanishes like mist in the warmth of sunlight and blue skies of smiles appear.
So when you ask the question repetitively, it shifts. For example betrayal might start with the client being angry with mother, because she abandoned her when small and ran off with another man. That might take several answers to let off steam! We keep asking (same question: “Was there a betrayal?”) and the client says, “Yes well, Uncle Jack—who wasn’t a real uncle and would only come round when father was at work—he betrayed me too. Plied me with sweets and then tricked my mother into leaving…”
Then she begins to realize that mother simply preferred Uncle Jack. But poor father, whom she adored, maybe he betrayed her in a way. He drank too much and that upset mother. It was partly his fault mother left. Wow! That’s new!
And then suddenly it shifts majorly into, “Father betrayed me. He should have stepped in and solved the crisis. If he had behaved properly and showed Mum he cared, she wouldn’t have needed to run away with some other guy. Jack was trouble any way and I’m sure Mum didn’t really like him. Why didn’t my Dad step in and protect me?” And so on and on… the pattern shifting as charge comes off and she starts to see the real problem in a completely new light.
Interestingly, she doesn’t switch to hating father, instead of mother. She realizes how much she loves both and wishes they were all back together again. She might even start writing letters! It happens.
We can teach you these awesome skills.