Memory Is Your Worst Enemy!
Think about it: we carry around all the hurts, conflicts, upsets and tragedies in our store of memories. This locker-full of misery is never addressed in life; it’s just left to fester. We go on flinging more and more painful trash into this memory bin and then wonder why our life isn’t so enjoyable.
It doesn’t sound very sensible when somebody puts it like that, does it?
In fact it sounds downright STUPID.
But that’s the basic problem with our powerful human ability to recall… we have no means (until now) of cleaning out the misery dumped in our memory locker.
The only existing technique has been to ignore things, “try to forget” and dabble in a bit of whimsical philosophy: we’re born, life’s a bitch and then we die. All too often, that neatly sums up the experience of living.
Wouldn’t it be a good idea if someone eventually figured out how to clean up the rotten-memory trash, strip it of crud and put it back in place, all shiny and harmless, useful memory that can no longer cause hurt or pain?
As an MD who has spent more than half a lifetime watching people suffer, I’ve always thought such a method would be a real breakthrough in relieving misery everywhere. It would be a fantastic achievement, comparable to the discovery of anesthetics, microbes, antibiotics and nutrition.
Well, not to boast: I’ve done it! I can prove it to you. Hundreds have already learned the truth… Memory does not have to hurt!
You don’t have to lie to yourself and pretend it doesn’t hurt (that’s just denial).
And you don’t have to sit around patiently for decades, waiting for “time to heal”.
Actually, here’s a shock for you: time does NOT heal. It’s a myth. Time just covers over the deposits of pain. It buries things but does not heal them.
We’ve walked boldly with individuals into the memory of events that took place over half a century previously and, within moments, found him or her bawling helplessly. Events from decades ago lose none of their power. Not one drop of the pain goes away; it’s all sitting there, festering, and ready to whack you one in the dandynuts, when you are least expecting it.
In fact I have theorized at times that maybe that’s actually how we die. One day, the hurt in mind finally gets to us, lots of it at once, and we can’t go on living.
If that’s is too fanciful for you, consider this: if left unaddressed, unpleasant, stressful memories will come out sooner or later… as disease or death. That’s an established scientific fact.
Stress remains the number one killer; the Grand Emperor of all dis-ease, including cancer and heart attack.
What Is Stress, Exactly?
One of the mysteries of stress is: what is it? There is no simple answer, because what stresses one person may simply be a bit of added spice to make life interesting for another.
My own definition of stress is the most brilliant and workable definition I know: Stress is the difference between what you’ve got and what you wanted!
Think about that for a minute.
If you wanted to be rich and you are broke, that’s highly stressful. But if you just wanted to help people in the Third World and didn’t care about money, being broke just wouldn’t trouble you the same, would it?
If you wanted to be married to someone you loved and it turned out your spouse was a monster, how stressful would that be? But if the person you married comes close to your expectations (lucky you!), you’d be happy about it, not stressed. You know that’s true.
One scientific approach to stress has been to try and quantify it. In 1967, psychiatrist Thomas Holmes and his student Richard Rahe, at the University of Washington School of Medicine, surveyed more than 5,000 medical patients and asked them to say whether they had experience any of a series of 43 life events in the previous two years.
As a result of the replies they received they were able to publish a now-famous Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS).
Death of a loved may seem obvious (score 100), as are getting a divorce (score 73) and being sent to jail (score 63).
But some items on the list may surprise you…
…Getting a raise (38) or promotion (29), or having a baby come along (39), are also measurably stressful and can have negative health consequences.
Each life event is assigned a value in arbitrary “life changing units” chosen to reflect the relative amount of stress the event causes in the population studied.
Stress is cumulative, so to estimate the total stress you are experiencing, add up the values corresponding to the events that have occurred in your life over the past year.
Life Event | Value |
Death of Spouse | 100 |
Divorce | 73 |
Marital separation | 65 |
Jail term | 63 |
Death of close family member | 63 |
Personal injury or illness | 53 |
Marriage | 50 |
Fired at work | 47 |
Marital reconciliation | 45 |
Retirement | 45 |
Change in health of family member | 44 |
Pregnancy | 40 |
Sex difficulties | 39 |
Gain of new family member | 39 |
Business readjustment | 39 |
Change in financial state | 38 |
Death of close friend | 37 |
Change to a different line of work | 36 |
Change in number of arguments with spouse | 35 |
Home Mortgage over $100,000* | 31 |
Foreclosure or mortgage or loan | 30 |
Change in responsibilities at work | 29 |
Son or daughter leaving home | 29 |
Trouble with in-laws | 29 |
Outstanding personal achievement | 28 |
Spouse begins or stops work | 26 |
Begin or end school | 26 |
Change in living conditions | 25 |
Revision of personal habits | 24 |
Trouble with boss | 23 |
Change in work hours or conditions | 20 |
Change in residence | 20 |
Change in schools | 19 |
Change in church activities | 19 |
Change in social activities | 18 |
Mortgage or loan of less than $100,000* | 17 |
Change in sleeping habits | 16 |
Change in number of family get-togethers | 15 |
Change in eating habits | 15 |
Single person living alone | ** |
Other-describe | ** |
* the mortgage figure was updated from the original figure of $10,000 to reflect inflation.
** Estimate the impact on yourself.
In fact Holmes and Rahe were able to state, numerically, that if your score on the Life Events Scale exceeds 300, you were very likely to fall seriously sick in the near future.
It seems that stress is cumulative and stored within the body over many years. Again: that’s all down to memory. Real, physical memory.
Memories—the wrong memories—can be bad news.
How Memories Affect the Body
Bessel van der Kolk MD, professor of psychiatry at Boston University School of Medicine, has written marvelously about the way mental pain imprints itself physically on the body. I’m not kidding when I say that memory does more than just hurt, it can cripple and kill.
In his book The Body Keeps The Score (Viking, New York, 2014), van der Kolk uses recent scientific advances to show how trauma literally reshapes both body and brain, compromising sufferers' capacities for pleasure, engagement, self-control, and trust.
In an interview given to he stated that the impact of trauma means that, “Our automatic danger signals are disturbed, and we typically become hyper- or hypo-active: aroused or numbed out [startled or paralyzed]. We become like frightened animals. We cannot reason ourselves out of being frightened or upset.
“Of course, talking can be very helpful in acknowledging the reality about what’s happened and how it’s affected you, but talking about it doesn’t put it behind you because it doesn’t go deep enough.”
Exactly what I have found. Just talking is not enough.
Van der Kolk illustrates his point amusingly by remarking about the “smoke detectors in the brain” going off; that people no longer react appropriately when they should be defending themselves. People either become too reactive (anxious, tense, hyper-vigilant, upset easily) or too numbed (despairing, depressed, unreactive, uncaring).
You may have known either of these feelings and be very relieved to find there is a way to change this state.
Believe me, you need to detox your memories for a healthy long life, not just diet and chemical detox.
The Double-Edged Sword
Memory has value, of course. It’s learning. Memory is skill.
But memory is one of the deadliest tools we have in our mental armory. We couldn’t manage without it—but we can never be truly happy with it!
NOT, that is, unless someone could figure out how to separate the pain from the actual memory content.
And I repeat: it’s been done!
In case you are wondering, one of the great things about this garbage-disposal operation is that memories in general become more accessible.
Without the pain to obscure possibly-uncomfortable memories, recall becomes easier and broader. Your memory will improve by leaps and bounds. Sweeter Memory Is Better Memory.
And it’s all in my latest book release Punk Psychology®. It’s part of a far bigger human potential rescue package called Supernoetics®. With it, we are “working towards the purposeful re-invention of Mankind®”.
Now we can not only release stress but change our emotions, thoughts and behaviors for the better.
Can you imagine the effect on our world if people just STOPPED being crazy, destructive, vicious, and hysterical?
It would be like a dream… no more wars, no more murders, in fact no crime at all! That would mean no more armed police and no more armies needed to fight and kill supposed enemies!
Politicians would become sane and honest; they would govern for the people, not their own gain; government would eventually become what it is supposed to be: a system of effective management that is there to serve the individuals in society and allow them to lead the kind of life they choose! As a result of that, taxes would be something we were all more willing to pay over, since we could see the money being used how we wanted!
…And as people woke up to the fact that we are all here on the same terms and just grabbing what we want, at the expense of others, would eventually bring the whole world grinding to a halt.
To stop all that and bring about a new dimension of love, wisdom and cooperation would truly transform Mankind from a murderous species of ape into a race of magnificent beings, capable of… well, almost anything.
It all starts with the human mind. So the solutions must also start with the human mind.
Can we understand ourselves fully, and correct what’s not working properly?
I passionately believe so and have plenty of cases and experience to back up what I say.
There are answers. Real answers. Punk Psychology® (PP) can do this!
There is far too much mystique out there, disinformation, myth and nonsense, created by under-performing researchers, who insist on confusing the mind with the brain and equate consciousness with perceptions, which are both follies of the first magnitude.
Not only are they scrabbling in the wrong direction, trying to understand the mind. They have the cheek to argue you can’t go there! It’s their domain of skills, they claim. Ha! We have our very existence based in a mind and you are as entitled as anyone else to learn about yourself, to experiment, to follow threads of reasoning, and to test experience for yourself.
Look within. Become a psychonaut!
Outrageously unconventional is a remarkable understatement for this superb common sense, sane, holistic, humanistic approach to physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.
AlthoughPunk Psychology®suggests that anyone can suddenly start piloting--guiding--individuals towards healthy freedom from anger, anxiety, guilt and depression, this really is a manual which will serve the experienced psychotherapist who wants to become profoundly successful in dealing with even the most challenging client.
It gives advanced understanding of Past Life Therapy from this and all previous time. I think it should be taught in every graduate psychology program.”
-C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D.
Dump Cartloads Of Bad Stuff
With Punk Psychology®’s techniques you can identify the cause of countless mental limitations and erase them:
What It’s NOT!
Punk Psychology® is NOT just talking, it’s NOT hypnotism, it’s NOT role-play, this is NOT affirmations, it’s NOT EFT (which is only dressed up affirmations, anyway), it is NOT meditation, NOT counseling, not EMDR, yoga, mysticism, or any other modality you have likely heard of.
It’s certainly NOT Freud.
In fact there is 21st century science, straight out of Harvard University, to back up the core technique I have evolved.
So, I repeat, this is not just boasting. I really have made a masterful breakthrough, and I want to share it with you.
It’s actually a very unique way of processing and re-packaging memories, to remove the poison and pain, while keeping what is useful.
But we go further than that. I wouldn’t be shouting from the rooftops if that was all it could do (that can happen by chance or randomly, during any one of the above disciplines). Using my Punk Psychology® method, exactly as taught, you can change your whole inner environment. It works sideways and transforms others in your circle too.
People will come back into your life. They will sense the change in you. I have had many people reconnect with me, including several wonderful women, where it went wrong at some time in the past, but have now come back into my embrace (all under the watchful eye of my second wife Vivien, of course!)
And, on the other side, you will be able to snip the connection with unsuitable people you had in your life, simply, cleanly and without acrimony.
I’ve been to weekend workshops where you think you’ve been through a lot of dramatic change, but you get back to real life and all of a sudden you are back to reacting the same way as before. That was the thing that totally impressed me about Punk Psychology® piloting (guiding): I have seen some absolutely INCREDIBLE, permanent changes, not only in energy levels but the ability to go out and do things, and manage my emotions. Self-limiting thoughts are gone! It’s real change and it lasts!
Punk Psychology®, for me, is about a new life, seen from a new perspective.”
Dr. Keith's writings are filled with kindness, clarity and wisdom.
It is exciting for me to read about methods that align with Pastoral Science and Medicine ("Faith-based" health care). The truth of the nature of life does not create contradiction.
Dr. Keith’s Punk Psychology® Project is a major addition to the skill set of the existing tools used in pastoral counseling.”
Our memories of bad things keep on coming back to haunt us and can do untold damage.
The resulting unhappiness, depression, loneliness and lack of self-esteem can produce bad behavior and poor life choices that blight our lives. Now there is a way to save ourselves from all this misery.
Dr. Keith's complete mastery and understanding of the workings of the mind has produced a sensational new approach to dealing with the fallout. Punk Psychology® and its big brother, Supernoetics®, are the human version of AVG anti-virus software, for cleaning up bugs in the mind. Now it is possible to run glitch-free, live better and change our world! It's almost too simple to be true!"
So Why Would You Come On Board?
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You would do it because—if it does what I’m telling you it will—we really can transform the world and you want in! The mere prospect is of the most amazing voyage of discovery that Mankind has ever made!
To sail inwardly into the mind, to tweak and transform it, until it no longer has the potential to hurt, drive a person crazy, make them do stupid things or create horrendous “solutions” such as cancer and sudden death, would be a greater achievement than the discovery of penicillin, computers or putting a man on the moon!
Dr. Keith is walking down that path at a fast rate. But you can sign up and follow him right behind. Such a journey is beyond the means of one man, or one soul. Sharing is called for.
SOMEBODY had to make these important discoveries. Dr. Keith has proven he’s the master of knowledge and healing. Why not him? If not him, who? If not NOW, when?
"Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes -- while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the people who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do."
- Apple’s 1997 “Think Different” campaign.
C’mon, Quit pussyfooting around and get stuck in. Join a band of great pioneers.
Margaret Mead famously said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”
We need you and we are perceptive enough to say, boldly, that you need us too!
You have so much skill and knowledge to bring to the table. We need you! I have done some of the grunt work, pioneering techniques and hacks. But this isn’t—could not be—a one-man band. It’s the work of many and you have a lot to contribute. One day it could be YOU leading workshops and touring the world with our ideas!
What Will You Get In Return?
We clear away hurt, sadness, fears and phobias, confusion, irrationality, anger, uncertainty, unwanted and inappropriate emotions, dysfunctional behaviors, habits and restrictive thought patterns from the past.
You gain: knowledge, wisdom, freedom, ability, inner peace, insight, release, understanding, tolerance and sharing, fulfillment, certainty, a bright and dazzling future… need I go on?
What I’m describing in these words is a state of spiritual majesty. A power state that has not been available to the ordinary person before, because nobody was even trying to craft it at such a level. It was left to religious adepts, mystics and “gurus”, with years or even decades to explore their inner world, to try and describe the nature of true Being. Even then, it’s just words. The only way to gain certainty about these higher states of awareness is to go there and experience it.
We don’t have that much time. And fortunately, we don’t NEED that much time. The results really come rather quickly.
Note From The Team: A Life Of Hallowed Fire
There’s much more to the Punk Psychology® Project than just a technology of the mind. It’s rapidly forming up into a pioneer’s super-club. It’s like an extended family, with true family values: kinship, love and mutual support.
Victorian polymath, philosopher and writer Thomas Carlyle once wrote about the excitement, the thrill even, of joining a movement with a high spiritual purpose, especially in its early growth and expansion days. He drew attention to the sense of “hallowed fire” that comes with being part of such an endeavor. It’s a mission!
Thomas Carlyle
Thomas Carlyle (1795 – 1881) was a bit of a grumpy old fart. But he wrote some good stuff; some very good stuff!
“Present Time” or “The Now”, was defined by Carlyle as "the youngest born of Eternity, child and heir of all the past times, with their good and evil, and parent of all the future with new questions and significance, on the right or wrong understanding of which depend the issues of life or death.”
How true. And here’s another of his famous maxims, "Our main business is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what lies clearly at hand."
That’s where we stand right now with the Supernoetics® movement and Punk Psychology®. We are parenting an important future for everyone.
It’s time to act. The moment is clearly at hand.
We may not have much time in today’s world. Either you are a spectator—or you want to help. There are no brownie points for just standing by, watching, as Mankind slides into the abyss of hatred, violence and evil!
Don’t Wait Own Your Copy Today!
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What Else Is In It For You?
It won’t surprise you when we say, full mastery of memory and mind is not a weekend course, or even a month of study. It’s a career.
BUT, we all need to start somewhere and we have instituted a comprehensive web-based learning program, to take you from novice to mastery, starting with our Punk Psychology® coaching program. By enrolling, you will learn marvelous techniques to help others overcome their painful past.
You will be able to get results almost instantly. After that, it’s just a question of refining your technique!
We are planning regular workshops with our Lead Punksters, who can take you forward by leaps and bounds. This isn’t learning a musical instrument, where it can take years to get a decent sound that does not offend your ears! This is a life skill and you’ll be able to do it in no time… and then get better, and better, and BETTER, as time goes by.
But it’s not just something you give: you’ll be able to experience the Punk Psychology® method for yourself, work for the release of your own past hurts and traumas, assisted by fellow students on the same exciting learning mission as yourself.
The first step is an online course, which is created through videos and instruction manuals. THIS IS ENHANCED WITH A SERIES OF WEEKLY SERIES OF WEBINARS, to get you familiar with the basic technique.
This is the Punk Psychology® Beginner’s Membership program and it’s coming soon! When you own your copy of Punk Psychology® you’ll receive an exclusive advance invitation to join once it’s ready.
Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby
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